Richmond B.C Bootcamp Maki Fit and Abs Class

So it’s almost Christmas time, and time for good eats and chocolates. At least that’s what I think of when Christmas comes.
Then its the New Years for 2011, and as usual everyone has a New Years goal. Well if you are like me and put on some extra pounds during Christmas, and now want to shed it, then come try out the Abs Class and Maki Fit Bootcamp. These classes are always different, and provide a great workout. You will be challenged and pushed, but you will have a good time.

If you get the chance, come try the class out, visit for more information.

PS. There is now a nutritions class which is quickly gaining in popularity. It happens every Friday. Phone 604-719-8655 to find out more if interested.

WOD #3

So this time we blasted our arms and back with this workout.

Five sets of each exercise, 20 sec rest between sets and no rest between exercises.

1. Bent over row – 12 reps (25 lb bumper plates each side)
2. Hammer curl – 12 reps ( medium high weight )
3. Lower back extension – 15- 20 reps ( 25 lb medicine ball )
4. Tricep extension over head – 12 reps ( 60 lb dumb bell )
5. Wide arm pullups [lower body completely] – 10 – 12 reps (body weight)
6. highest tension resistance band [ full range of motion ] – 20 reps

After doing the 6 exercises, do 4 – 5 sets of the next 2 exercises to finish.

1b. Single arm dumbell row – heavy weights – 6 reps
2b.TRX tricep extension – 10 reps

This should provide a very good back and arm exercise. At least my arms and triceps felt it.

WOD #2

Warm-up – perform until your arms are dead….

1. dumbbell hammer curls
2. TRX tricep extensions

Main Course – 3 Stations, do all 3 stations consecutively without rest.

1st Station – perform 6 each

1. 25 Plate a side barbell high pulls
2. 30 lb ball slams
3. 40 lb dumbbell burpees

2nd Station – perform 6 each

1. 45 lb Plate a side barbell high pulls
2. 20 lb ball slams
3. 20 lb dumbbell burpees

if 45 lb high pulls is too heavy, perform 15 each of ball slams and 20 lb dumbbell burpees.

3rd Station – perform 12-15 reps with TRX Band

Perform 1 -3 in order for 1 rep.
1. knee ins
2. Pike


1. Spar

Easy WOD as they said. Now enjoy.

WOD #1

Well thought I would start keeping  track of some WOD’s we do at SAMPA gym located in Richmond B.C, Canada. It’s near Ironwood Mall on Steveston. The actual address is #150-11960 Hammersmith Way.

So we’ve done some WODs before (Workout Of the Day) but thought I would start keeping a journal.

So yesterday our WOD was fairly simple, it involved a barbell and bumper plates, and a TRX band.
It was a ladder WOD so we went in increments of 2 from 2 – 16.

1. Squat thruster to overhead raise with 25 lbs bumper plates on each side.

2. Atomic pushups with the TRX band.

Perform each one and repeat up the ladder until finished.

If you want you can throw in TRX jump squats at the end.

Have fun and enjoy.

Resistance Band Training

I have been using dumb bells, bars and plates, and machines for most of my workout career.  These are the basics, and always will be.  But I ventured off and have found other methods.  People may not believe in this method, or find it effective, but resistance bands are the #%*@, because they can provide a full body workout, and more.

Is resistance band training just a fad?  The answer is “No”.

Two years ago I started using resistance band training, and found it very beneficial.
These resistance bands may look fragile, but the truth is, they are rugged, and can last a long time.

From experience I like resistance bands because they can provide constant tension for the up and down phase of the exercises. I also found that there was less stress on my joints, and exercises that caused pains to some joints with dumb bells did not recur.

To find the real scoop on resistance bands, I did a bit more Internet digging and research.  Through the research I can confirm that resistance bands can be less stressful on joints, which means less pain for my shoulder joints. They can also increase strength gains in a much shorter time period. As usual, you would still want to switch up your workout from time to time so you do not get bored, or plateau at a certain point.

My personal trainer teacher was not as fond of the resistance band, because they were not as functional for everyday use. This is because resistance band training is not based on gravity such as free weights, but on the tension of elasticity that is caused through movement. Therefore there is constant tension through the concentric and eccentric phases ( also known as the up and down phase) of lifting. By providing constant tension, it may not be a similar to everyday functional activities, but I think it is more beneficial to the end user because it improves both areas as to one.

If you get a chance, try a resistance band workout,  and checkout this resource for more about resistance band training at