So this time we blasted our arms and back with this workout.
Five sets of each exercise, 20 sec rest between sets and no rest between exercises.
1. Bent over row – 12 reps (25 lb bumper plates each side)
2. Hammer curl – 12 reps ( medium high weight )
3. Lower back extension – 15- 20 reps ( 25 lb medicine ball )
4. Tricep extension over head – 12 reps ( 60 lb dumb bell )
5. Wide arm pullups [lower body completely] – 10 – 12 reps (body weight)
6. highest tension resistance band [ full range of motion ] – 20 reps
After doing the 6 exercises, do 4 – 5 sets of the next 2 exercises to finish.
1b. Single arm dumbell row – heavy weights – 6 reps
2b.TRX tricep extension – 10 reps
This should provide a very good back and arm exercise. At least my arms and triceps felt it.