Squeaky Noise in Front End of Truck

So all of a sudden, while I’m driving I hear this squeaky sound coming from the front end of my car.

It sounds like a squeaky bed when your jumping on it, and its very annoying. So I did some research and it is most likely your ball joint in the front end that is near the brakes. There is a lower and upper ball joint.

I found some videos that will explain the ball joint problem, and how to fix it. If you have the time and patience and the tools, do it yourself. Got a quote from Canadian Tire for $450 + tax.

Here are the videos:

WOD #2

Warm-up – perform until your arms are dead….

1. dumbbell hammer curls
2. TRX tricep extensions

Main Course – 3 Stations, do all 3 stations consecutively without rest.

1st Station – perform 6 each

1. 25 Plate a side barbell high pulls
2. 30 lb ball slams
3. 40 lb dumbbell burpees

2nd Station – perform 6 each

1. 45 lb Plate a side barbell high pulls
2. 20 lb ball slams
3. 20 lb dumbbell burpees

if 45 lb high pulls is too heavy, perform 15 each of ball slams and 20 lb dumbbell burpees.

3rd Station – perform 12-15 reps with TRX Band

Perform 1 -3 in order for 1 rep.
1. knee ins
2. Pike


1. Spar

Easy WOD as they said. Now enjoy.

NFL Week 7 and 8

Wow.  So I didn’t get a chance to post for NFL Week 7, but 4th quarter letdowns and injuries and brought me to a 3 week losing streak.

I thought NFL Week 5 and 6 were bad, NFL week 7 was just the same. That is three consecutive 6-8 results. Very disappointing.

But that all ends this week in NFL Week 8. I am going to hit at least 65% of these picks, and win the week for my Fantasy League…again.

The picks will be posted on Saturday.

TRX Training

So we have started training more with the TRX band.

This is definitely a very incredible piece of equipment, yet it is so simple. Just a rugged piece of straps that can withhold a lot of weight.

The rest of the training is based on creativity, body weight, and angles.

We are able to do suspended push-ups, jumping leg lunges, reverse rows, ab workouts. There is a lot to do with the bands. Just simple stuff, that gets your muscles leaner and stronger.

Stay tuned for results in the next couple of months to half a year, but so far the TRX bands are recommended.

WOD #1

Well thought I would start keeping  track of some WOD’s we do at SAMPA gym located in Richmond B.C, Canada. It’s near Ironwood Mall on Steveston. The actual address is #150-11960 Hammersmith Way.

So we’ve done some WODs before (Workout Of the Day) but thought I would start keeping a journal.

So yesterday our WOD was fairly simple, it involved a barbell and bumper plates, and a TRX band.
It was a ladder WOD so we went in increments of 2 from 2 – 16.

1. Squat thruster to overhead raise with 25 lbs bumper plates on each side.

2. Atomic pushups with the TRX band.

Perform each one and repeat up the ladder until finished.

If you want you can throw in TRX jump squats at the end.

Have fun and enjoy.