WOD #1

Well thought I would start keepingĀ  track of some WOD’s we do at SAMPA gym located in Richmond B.C, Canada. It’s near Ironwood Mall on Steveston. The actual address is #150-11960 Hammersmith Way.

So we’ve done some WODs before (Workout Of the Day) but thought I would start keeping a journal.

So yesterday our WOD was fairly simple, it involved a barbell and bumper plates, and a TRX band.
It was a ladder WOD so we went in increments of 2 from 2 – 16.

1. Squat thruster to overhead raise with 25 lbs bumper plates on each side.

2. Atomic pushups with the TRX band.

Perform each one and repeat up the ladder until finished.

If you want you can throw in TRX jump squats at the end.

Have fun and enjoy.